Why Food Matters to A Mum Living in Jakarta

An Article written by one of our customers!

Why Food Matters to A Mum Living in Jakarta

Why Food Matters to A Mum Living in Jakarta

Food Inc, food matters, supersize me, foodchains and many other similar documentary all outline the problems of our what our food has become. Being a mother of three beautiful girls, I fear for their futures. Growing up in a farm in Australia, me and my brothers used to pick our own vegetables, kill our own calves, having the security of knowing exactly what goes into our bodies.

In the city today, this is impossible. I will never know where each meat comes from, where each chicken is farmed, whether it is sustainable or downright cruel. I will never know how my tomato is grown, how the raspberries are grown. Are they packed with toxic pesticides? This is the fear I have when feeding my baby girls.

Living in a Jakarta where the education and awareness of healthy living is still extremely low, I’ve found it very difficult to find organically grown, or at least pesticide free fresh produce, and when I do – How do I know? Organic Butternut organic pumpkin, organic kale, organic cherry tomatoes, organic beetroot, bananas, cherry apples are available – but who farms them? This is the time where I want to know where my lettuce comes from, who is planting my food? As a full-time working mum, I cannot grow my food in my little aparment.

Then I came across www.sayurbox.com who happened to be recommended by my friend, also a mum to a wonderful boy. Although not 100% convinced, I am realitvely impressed with their transparency in who farms their produce and I am welcomed to visit their farms – and they deliver. I hope more people realise the importance of healthy living and can combat the issues of our food – processed food that makes people sick, creates illnesses, and cancer. I hope we can try to eat more organic vegetables.

Ikuti Kami
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